Course curriculum

    1. Lecture 1: His Childhood & background

    2. Context of RasulAllah

    3. The Prophetic Legacy

    1. Mercy of Allah and the Compassion of RasulAllah

    2. RasulAllah's Interactions with Others

    3. RasulAllah and the Noble Character

    4. Lecture 2: The Disconnect and Misconceptions

    1. Remembering RasulAllah Through Prayer

    2. Practicing RasulAllah's Characteristics

    3. Spreading the Legacy of RasulAllah

    4. Lecture 3:

    1. RasulAllah's Impact on Muslim Community

    2. Exploring His Teachings - Embracing His Values

    3. Finding Your Contributions to His Legacy

    1. Applying His Teachings in Everyday Life

    2. Spreading His Legacy in Your Community

    3. Living as Ambassadors of His Message

    1. Course Summary

    2. Further Research

About this course

  • $1.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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