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Arabic, the key to your prayers

Have you ever wanted to connect more deeply with your prayers? This is your chance! Join us for the Arabic of Salah workshop — an immersive experience designed to help you discover the meaning, beauty, and spirit behind your Salah. This workshop is both online (live) and onsite at MCA Khadija Hall

Everything you need to jumpstart your journey

This is an intensive workshop to help you begin with the correct tools and guidance towards the language of the Quran.

  • Correct pronunciation of Arabic words.

  • Basic reading and writing skills.

  • The meaning behind the words in your prayers.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Message

    2. Schedule

    3. Online Access

    4. Zoom Link

    5. WhatsApp Group Link

    1. Session 1 Goals & Objectives

    2. Arabic Letter Charts

    3. Presentation with Notes

    4. Salah Exercise pg.12-15

    5. Salah Exercise pg. 16-20

    6. Session 1 Recording- Intro

    7. Session 1 Recording- Arabic Letters

    1. Session 2 Goals & Objectives

    2. Session 1 Recording- Surah Fatiha

    3. Session 1 Recording- Hadith

    4. Session 1 Recording- Stations of Salah

    5. Session 1 Recording-Surah Ad Duha

    6. Session 2- Tajweed/Q&A

    7. Post Session Survey

    8. Oasis: Surat al Fatiha

    9. Stations of the Arabic Muslim Prayer pdf

    1. Goals & Preparation

    2. Class Email: Jan 14

    3. Zoom Link

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

Program Schedule

Onsite program will be held at MCA Khadija Hall. Sessions will be live via zoom for online students to view. Sr. Yusra Ali will lead the Online sessions.